Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Management Time

Tips tips to set the time :
If you want to make real change in your life, you must first start by learning how to efficiently manage your time. Anyone who knows how to manage time, will also know how to manage your life. Good time management is on the right priorities, just after it was created for the proper management of your life. The quality of your life depends on intelligent management of your time and not by the amount of energy you consume in what you are doing.
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then it is time to change your life and start spending your time wisely and efficiently. You have to promise yourself that you will become more organized and focused on your goals and that you will use for your own good time.
1. Master list of things you should do ( to do list)
2. Make plans smart
3. Learn to organize your priorities
4. Delegation
5. Do not be afraid to say no
6. Dividing a long stint in the smaller events
7. Perfectionism takes
8. Know where your time more productively
9. Try not postpone things for later
10. Avoid things that can distract you
11. Do not forget yourself
12. Analyze where you spend time

13. Always plan time to unexpected events

How to be a runner

Technique and how to run faster efficient
Mechanical run needed to produce more speed with high energy efficiency, also for injury prevention.
Here the steps that can be run quickly and well :
1. Breath
Breath technique is actually more to the pattern, which is a combination between them breath and rhythm. In most good breath is breathing deeply though a little longer. It aims to increase the percentage of the volume of incoming air to the lungs in the gusts. Compared with shallow breathing shorter, this is still better.
2. Posture
a. Body tilted forward
Body tilted forward can utilize gravity as the urge to run so that the foot is not much exertion. This position also allows the body to perform a great acceleration without losing balance
b. Straight body without bended
It aims to expand the chest and abdomen facilitate breathing. Stomach straight also prevent stomach cramps that often occurs in novice runners.
c. head upright
Head down would not facilitate breathing by making sure the channel throat wide open. The views were directed to the front also helps mentally to go ahead and be alert to what lies ahead.
3. Body Movement
a. Pattern step
Footsteps of the most efficient is a short step and turnover is not too fast. This movement proved able to produce a considerable boost without quickly tiring legs
b. Position treadle
Another thing to note is the position set foot. Always perpendicular foot step below the waist and from that position to kick back
c. Point stamping and encouragement on the soles
Stamping on the most appropriate point is at the center of your foot. If too behind approaching the heel causes the body to lose momentum while too forward causing calf muscles get tired quickly
d. tread pattern
In step, do not be too old stomping ground. Quite like brushing the ground with a smooth and short. If too long, the foot will be as attached to the surface and eventually meperlambat run.
e. arm movements
Do not underestimate the arm, because that is the balancing leg movement. As he ran, bending good arm is 90o with the swing arm is also about 90o. when the swing arm, try to swing as possible with little slope. The swing should not cross the midline of the body, so as not to narrow the lungs.
f. Body movement the top

The swing arm round the body can assist in stabilizing the movement of the body. The direction of rotation is always opposite the direction of rotation of the foot when viewed from above, with an intensity that is not too big swing. The swing weight can also give extra strength to the leg movement

Kamis, 09 Juni 2016

how to make pomade

If you read how to be a greaser and you don’t know how to make or where to get some low cost pomade for your hair, here is a really low cost recipe
·         Fresh olive/other vegetable oil
·         Fresh vegetable
·         Scented oil
·         Bee’s wax
·         Coconut oil
·         Bentonite clay
Get ingredients. Use the basis list above for the base and then get other essential oils depending on what kind of Pomade you want
Melt your bees wax in a clean pan on low heat. Continue stirring until it’s a liquid. Pour the melted wax into a mixing/cooling container. Bees wax helps make this Pomade less grasy and gives it a nice firm hold.
Add coconut oil and stir until melted.
Coconut oil not only conditions hair, but helps repair it. Plus it fights dandruff! One of my favorite things about coconut oil is that it will be soft and pliable in your hands, but will harden back up on your hair.
This helps to cut down on the greasy feeling, but will leave your hair shiny and soft.
Add vegetable oil/shortening to hot wax. This is so that the wax does not become too hard when cooled again
Add bentonite clay
Bentonite clay is a gritty powder made from naturally volacanic ash. Many people use it in face masks and for other external beauty treatments. It is extremely important to make sure that you get a good quality bentonite clay.
The bentonite clay helps to give the pomade a gritty.
Add an essential oil to add a scent to the Pomade
Essential oil it helps to condition and repair hair without drying. Bonus it smells amazing
Cool to check it thoroughly for over/under stiffness. This is important because this will affect the “hold” of the Pomade
Reheat mixture to change the consistency :
- if it is too stiff, add more oil or shortening for less hold. Reheat
- if it is too soft, add wax for more hold. Reheat

For extra shine, add more oil or vegetable shortening. If you wish you can add baking soda to thicken it

Modals in English Grammar

What are modal verbs ?
Modals also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. (kata modal disebut juga modal kata kerja, kata kerja bantu modal, pembantu modal verba khusus yang berprilaku tidak teratur dalam bahasa inggris.)
They are different from normal verbs like “work,play,visit…”  (mereka berbeda dari kata kerja normal seperti “bekerja,bermain,kunjungi…”)
They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follow it (mereka memberikan informasi tambahan tentang fungsi dari kata kerja utama yang mengikutinya)
Here are some charecteristics of modal verbs : (berikut adalah beberapa characteristics verba modal)
-They never change their  form. You can’t add “s,ed,ing…” (mereka tidak pernah mengubah bentuk mereka. Anda tidak dapat menambahkan “s,ed,ing…”)
-they are always followed by an infinitive without “to” (mereka selalu diikuti dengan infinitive tanpa “untuk”)
-they are used to indicate modality allow speakers to express  (mereka digunakan untuk menunjukan modalitas memungkinkan pembicara untuk mengekspresikan )
certainty,possibility,willingness,obligation,necessity,ability (kepastian,kemungkinan,kemauan,kewajiban,keharusan,kemampuan)
List of modal verbs : (daftar kerja modal: )
Can,could,may,might,will,would,shall,should,must (bisa,bisa,mungkin,mungkin,akan,akan,akan,harus,harus)
The verbs or expression dare,ought to,had better,need not. Behave like modal auxiliaries to a large extent and my added to the above list (kata kerja atau ekspresi berani, seharusnya lebih baik,tidak perlu. Berperilaku seperti pembantu modal untuk sebagian besar dan saya ditambahkan ke daftar di atas)
Use of modal verbs : (gunakan kata kerja modal : )
Modal verbs are used to express function such as: (modal verba digunakan untuk mengekspresikan fungsi seperti : )
-permission (izin)
-ability (kemampuan)
-obligation (kewajiban)
-prohibition (larangan)
-lack of necessity (kurangnya keharusan)
-advice (nasihat)
-possibility (kemungkinan)
-prohability (kemungkinan)

- Can (bisa)
Ability to do something in the present (substitute form: to be able to) { kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa sekarang (bentuk pengganti : untuk dapat)}
Ex : I can speak English (saya bisa berbahasa Inggris)
Permission to do something in the present (substitute form: to be allowed to) { izin untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa sekarang (bentuk pengganti : akan diizinkan untuk)}
Ex : can I go to the cinema ? (bisakah saya pergi ke bioskop ?)
Request (permintaan)
Ex : can you wait a moment, please ? (bisakah kamu menunggu sebentar, tolong ?)
Offer (menawarkan)
Ex : I can lead you my car till tomorrow (saya bisa meminjamkan mobil saya sampai besok)
Suggestion (saran)
Ex : can we visit grandma at the weekend ? (bisakah kami mengunjungi nenek di akhir pekan ?)
Possibility (kemungkinan)
Ex : it can get very hot in Arizona (itu bisa sangat di Arizona)

- Could (bisa)
Ability to do something in the past (substitute form: to be able to) {(kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa lalu (bentuk pengganti : untuk dapat)}
Ex : I could speak English (saya bisa berbahasa Inggris)
Permission to do something in the past (substitute form : to be able to) {(izin untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa lalu (bentuk pengganti : untuk dapat )}
Ex : I could go to the cinema (saya bisa pergi ke bioskop)
Polite question (pertanyaan sopan)
Ex : could I go to the cinema, please ? (bisakah saya pergi ke bioskop, tolong?)
Polite request (permintaan sopan)
Ex : could you wait a moment, please ? (bisakah kamu tunggu sebentar, tolong?)
Polite offer (penawaran sopan)
Ex : I could lend you my car till tomorrow (aku bisa meminjamkan mobil saya sampai besok)
Polite suggestion (saran sopan )
Ex : could we visit grandma at the weekend ? (bisakah kita mengunjungi nenek di akhir pekan?)
Possibility (kemungkinan)
Ex : it could get very hot in Montana (ini bisa sangat panas di Montana)

- May (mungkin)
Possibility (kemungkinan)
Ex : It may rain today (ini mungkin hujan hari ini )
Permission to do something in the present (substitute form: to be allowed to) {(izin untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa sekarang (bentuk pengganti : akan diizinkan untuk)}
Ex : may I go to the cinema ? (mungkin aku pergi ke bioskop)
Polite suggestion (saran sopan)
Ex : may I help you ? (bisa saya bantu)

- Might (mungkinkah)
Possibility (kemungkinan)
Ex : it might rain today (mungkinkah hujan hari ini)
Hesitant offer (penawaran ragu ragu)
Ex : might I help you? (mungkinkah saya bantu)

- Must (harus)
Force,necessity (memaksa,keharusan)
Ex : I must go to the supermarket today (saya harus pergi ke supermarket hari ini)
Possibility (kemungkinan)
Ex : you must be tired (anda pasti lelah)
Advice,recommendation (saran,rekomendasi)
Ex : you must see the new film with Brad pitt (anda harus melihat film baru dengan Brad Pitt)

- Must not/may not (tidak harus/tidak mungkin)
Prohibition (larangan)
Ex : You musn’t work on dad’s computer (anda tidak harus bekerja di computer ayah)
You may not work on dad’s computer (anda mungkin tidak bekerja pada computer ayah)

- Need not (tidak perlu)
Something is not necessary (sesuatu yang tidak diperlukan)
Ex : I needn’t go to the supermarket, we’re going to the restaurant tonight (saya tidak perlu ke supermarket, kita akan ke restoran mala mini)

- Ought to    (seharusnya)
Advice (nasihat)
Ex : you ought to drive carefully in bad weather (anda harus berkendara dengan hati hati dalam cuaca buruk )
Obligation (kewajiban)
Ex : you ought to switch off the light when you leave the room (anda harus mematikan lampu ketika anda meninggalkan ruangan)

- Shall (akan)
Suggestion (saran)
Ex : shall I carry your bag ? (akan saya membawa tas anda)

- Should (haruskah)
Advice (nasihat)
Ex : you should drive carefully in bad weather (anda harus berkendara dengan hati hati dalam cuaca buruk )
Obligation (kewajiban)
Ex : you should switch off the light when you leave the room (anda harus mematikan lampu ketika anda meninggalkan ruangan)

- Will (akan)
Wish,request,demand,order (less polite than would) {(keinginan,permintaan,permintaan,memesan (kurang sopan dari akan)}
Ex : will you please shut the door ? (tolong menutup pintu?)
Prediction,assumption (prediksi,asumsi)
Ex : I think it will rain on Friday (saya pikir itu akan hujan pada hari jumat)
Promise (janji)
Ex : I will stop smoking (saya akan berhenti merokok)
Spontaneous decision (keputusan spontan)
Ex : can somebody drive me to the station? I will (seseorang dapat mengantar saya ke stasiun ? aku akan)
Habits (kebiasaan)
Ex : she’s strange, she’ll sit for hours without talking (dia aneh, dia akan duduk berjam jam tanpa bicara)

- Would (akankah)
Wish,request (more polite than will) {(berharap,permintaan (lebih sopan dari kehendak)}
Ex : would you shut the door, please? (anda akan menutup pintu, tolong ?)
Habits in the past (kebiasaan di masa lalu
Ex : sometimes he would bring me some flowers (kadang kadang ia akan membawa saya beberapa bunga)

Kamis, 28 April 2016

How to make a bracelet flashdisk

For introduction we learn to make bracelets flash easiest and simple. Step-step as follows:

1.Tool and materials

The first thing that must be done to make the bracelets flash must prepare the tools and material as follows:
·         flashdisk
·         super glue
·         scissor
·         matches

2.Step-step making bracelets

Measure bracelet that you want to make bracelets for your hands, then flasdisk the input into the bracelet using scissors.
TIPS: If you want to look more presentable, former clipping tip end portion should be burned using matchsticks.
After the input, create follow circumference bracelet becomes circular hand, then glue using super glue, and wait until dry.

3.The dried bracelet simple flash ready to decorate your hands

Rabu, 27 April 2016

What the Online Shop ?

How to start a home-based business opportunities accessories business woman
Home-based business opportunities for women accessories business is one business that anti recession. When some other areas devastated by declining global economic growth, ladies accessories remain in the market is unique. Naturally women always want to look good, and accessories is one option to support the appearance.
Complex, the trend in this business is rapidly changing. So it is not a surprise when not much you can survive in this field. Some people pursue the accessories only in order to meet market demand. Once again the trend bracelet with the initials of the name, involved in selling the bracelets. Though almost all the malls and shopping centers are also selling similar bracelets with various colors and models. When the bracelet has been replaced by other models so you can imagine they were not quite able to predict which way the trend is going to walk, to be exhausted to move, until finally giving up.

Tips How to Survive in the business these accessories?

1. Define a clear target market

2. Create Trend

So what can be done to start this business?

1. Become a Reseller of products has been ascertained much demand
- Dropship
In dropship system, we can simply contact the seller first and ask to be resseler requirements of their products. Some labels / brands requires a registration fee, the rest rely on trust. The producers will share the photos that we can make a weapon in the trade, eventually enough pictures we display in the web, social networking sites or perhaps as a profile picture that we use smartphones.

- Preorder
To avoid the risk of the goods did not exist when the order came, some people apply preorder system. Usually used to display images with a certain length of time, then there is the process of manufacturing, and delivery date. To be successful using this approach, we have to make sure first that the manufacturers we are quite reliable and punctual and workmanship. Especially since these items are handmade accessories, sometimes a day so smeinggu promise, not to mention the materials used could have been lost in the market so that the degree of similarity is no longer the end result being the same as the example that we display.

- Direct Selling / Direct Sales
This is the most conventional way, goods taken anywhere addressed directly to the prospective buyer, should be tried immediately as well, while silently praying incessantly.
Unfortunately if you are not familiar, this way enough to test our mental toughness. Since this system requires that we are dealing with conditions questioned directly. The material is what? Do not change color? The exchange can not if not fit? Frankly if not ever sell, enough to make sweaty face that way.
Tips from me, do not ever tell people to buy our goods, but assure them that they need the goods we sell.

2. Educate yourself making accessories
3. Follow the training or workshop manufacture of accessories

Provide Suitable Tenses

1.       While she was trying to read, her friend (practice) the piano.
While she was trying to read, her friend was practicing the piano.
2.       He (buy) several jerseys in the last two years.
He bought several jerseys in the last two years.
3.       She (bone) the meat later
She will bone the meat later.
4.       By the time you get there they already (leave).
By the time you get there they had already leave.
5.       I (drown). Nobody (save) me.
I drowned. Nobody save me.
6.       He said she not (return) the book yet.
He said she didn’t return the book yet.
7.       What you (darn) at the moment?
What you darning at the moment?
8.       She (think) her husband will buy a new fridge.
She thought her husband will buy a new fridge.
9.       How much you (spend) in London so far?
How much you have spent in London so far?
10.   In a month’s time I (learn) more words than ever.
In a month’s time I learned more words than ever.
11.   After he (see) the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.
After  he saw the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.
12.   He (buy) weed-killer when they arrested him.
He  bought weed-killer when they arrested him.
13.   The plumbing always (give) trouble during the summer.
The plumbing always gives trouble during the summer.
14.   The trout (rise) when they reached the lake.
The trout rising when they reached the lake
15.   You (recognize) this statue?
Do you recognize this statue?
16.   They say they not (perform) tomorrow.
They say they will not perform tomorrow
17.   What you (do) since your last recital?
What are you doing since your last retical?
18.   As it (rain) he put up his umbrella.
As it raining he put up his umbrella.
19.   They (hear) Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.
They heard Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.
20.   What (go) on here?
What is going on here?
21.   I only just (realize) what she meant.
I only just realized what she meant.
22.   I never (plant) crocuses again.
I have never planted crocuses again.
23.   You (enjoy) yourself when I saw you at the party?
Do you enjoying yourself when I saw you at the party?
24.   I (be) to the zoo and (go) while they are still talking about visiting it.
 I was in the zoo and went while they are still talking about visiting it.

25.   She (dock) at Tilbury last week.
She docked at Tillbury last week.
26.   He always (accelerate) too quickly.
He always accelerates too quickly.
27.   You (hear) that awful noise?
Do you hear that awful noise?
28.   By the time the brigade arrived, the house (collapse).
By the time the brigade arrived, the house collapsed.
29.   I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I (walk) round the exhibition yesterday.
I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I walking round the exhibition yesterday.
30.   They (wait) to take off since ten this morning.
They are waiting to take off since ten this morning.
31.   She (shoot) at least three tigers in India last year.
She has shooted at least three tigers in India last years.
32.   We (see) what we (See)
We saw what we have seen.
33.   He heard an owl hooting as he (walk) through the wood.
He heard an owl hooting as he walking through the wood.
34.   They   (produce) a hundred shirts every day for two months now.
They producing a hundred shirts every day for two months now.
35.   Where you (go) when I bumped into you?
Where did you go when I bumped into you?
36.   Who (tell) the grasshopper to dance? The ant in the fable (do).
Who told the grasshopper to dance? The ant in fable did.
37.   They (wear) high heels every day last term.
They have wore high heels every day last term.
38.   What you (do) with a gun in your car?
What did you do with a gun in your car?
39.   He still not (find) his watch.
He still not found his watch.
40.   I (live) there several years before I found the nest.
I have live there several years before I found the nest.
41.   When it (sting) him?
When it stung him?
42.   She (like) cockles. Naturally she (prefer) lobster.
She likes cockles. Naturally she preferred lobster.
43.   Dragon-flies (have) very beautiful wings.
Dragon flies has very beautiful wings.
44.   Time and tide (wait) for no man, the saying (run).
Time and tide are waiting for no man, the saying “run”.
45.   I (buy) some new pruners the other day.
I bought some new pruners the other day.
46.   The girl in the pay box seldom (smile) nowadays.
The girl in the pay box seldom smile nowadays.
47.   The moment he (open) the boot the spare wheel fell out.
The moment he opening the boot the spare wheel fell out.
48.   Too many cooks (spoil) the broth.
Too many cooks spoiled the broth.
49.   He (leave) Italy by plane yesterday.

He left Italy by plane yesterday.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Example Simple Past Tense vs Present Perfect

Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Choose only the simple past tense (examples: I worked, be took) or the perfect present tense (examples: I have worked, be has taken). Notice the two examples.

1. I (see) that movie already.
- I have seen that movie already

2. I (see) that movie yesterday.
- I saw that movie yesterday

3. I (read) that novel by Faulkner several times before.
I have read that novel by Faulkner several times before

4. I (read) that novel again during my last vacation.
 I read that novel again during my last vacation

5. Mr. Foster (study) Spanish at New York University last year.
Mr. Foster studied at New York University last year

6. Mr. Foster (study) French in this class since last September.
- Mr. Foster had studied French in this class since  last September

7. Miss Cunningham (live) in Detroit from 1940 to 1946.
Miss Cunningham lived in Detroit from 1940-1946

8. Miss Cunningham (live) in New York since the time.
Miss Cunningham had lived in New York since the time

9. Our guests (have) a good time at the party last night.
Our guests had a good time at the party last night

10. Our guests (have) a good time ever since their arrival.
Our guests have had a good time ever since their arrival.

11. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan (see) the Coliseum  in Rome in 1948.
Dr. and Mrs. Duncan saw the Coliseum in Rome in 1948.

12. Dr. Duncan (see) the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.
Dr. Duncan had seen the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.

13. The Browns (be) in Detroit twice since Christmas.
The Browns was in Detroit twice since Christmas.

14. The Browns (be) in San Fransisco the week before last.
The Browns had been in San Fransisco the week before last.

15. My wife and I (travel) by air many times in the past.
My wife and I have traveled by air many times in the past.

16. My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer.
My wife and I traveled to Mexico by air last summer.

17. The students (finish, finally) that exercise!
The students finally finished that exercise!

18. The students (start) that exercise about three hours ago.
The students have started that exercise about three hours ago.

19. We (receive) the boy's telegram at 08:00 p.m. last night.
We received the boy's telegram at 08:00 p.m. last night.

20. We (send, already) them a special delivery reply.
We have sent them a special delivery reply already.

21. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris before the last war.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson visited Paris before the last war.

22. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris many times since the war.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson have visited Paris many times since the war.

23. We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
- We have studied almost every lesson in this book so far.

24. We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
- We studied a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.

25. I (have) a little trouble with my car last week.
- I had a little trouble with my car last week.

26. However, I (have) no trouble with my car since then.
However, I have had no trouble with my car since then.

27. We (watch, never) the television program.
We never have watched the television program.

28. We (watch) an interesting program on television last night.
We watched an interesting program on television last night.

29. That tell fellow (work) here for the past three weeks.
That tell fellow worked here for the past three weeks.

30. Formerly, he (work) for the A.B.C. Company in Boston.
Formerly, he had worked for the A.B.C. Company in Boston.

31. Mr. Shaw is my English teacher. He (teach) here for six years.
Mr. Shaw is my English teacher. He have had here for six years.

32. He (finish) his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.
He finished his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.

Different between Simple Past and Present Perfect

·         Different Between Simple Past And Present Perfect

For people who learn tenses in the first time, usually always feel confused with the differences between "Simple Past Tense" and "Present Perfect Tense". Because both of them have the same function which is to tell the past event. So when we were talking sometimes feel confused to choose which one we will use.

·         Simple Past Tense

(+)S + VERB 2 + O + ADVERB OF TIME (keterangan waktu)
Xeni went to Jogja yesterday
Xeni did not go to Jogja yesterday
(?)DID + S + V 1 + O + ADVERB OF TIME
Did Xeni go to Jogja yesterday?

·         Present Perfect Tense
(+) S + HAVE/ HAS + VERB 3 + O
Ouwono has bought car
(-) S + HAVE/ HAS + NOT + VERB 3 + O
Ouwono has not bought car
(?) HAVE/HAS + S + V3 + O?
Has Ouwono bought car?

·         The Meaning of Simple Past and Present Perfect

Sentences above are different Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense :

A. To talk about the Simple Past
Simple Past tense is often seen with a time expression explaining when the activity  took place or how long it listed.

B. To talk about the Present Perfect Tense
The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences.

·         What is difference ?

Present perfect simple is unfinished actions that started in the past and continue to the present. Example :
I have known Ox for 2 years ( and I still know her )
A finished action in someone's life (when the person is still alive: life experience). Example :
My sister has been to Jogja fourth times
A finished action with a result in the present. Example :
I have lost my keys ( the result is that I can’t get into my house now)
With an unfinished time word (this week, this month, today):
I have seen James this week
Past simple is finished  actions. Example :
I knew Ox for 2 years ( but then she moved              away and we lost touch )
A finished action in someone's life (when the person is dead):
My great grandmother went to Mexico three times
A finished action with no result in the present:
I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible! ( now there is no result. I got new keys yesterday)
With a finished time word (last week, last month, yesterday):
I saw john last week